Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tapped in to Blogstreams

Here are some of my reflections on the Blogstreams Salon that I visited on I was pleased to see the forum and program so developed and clearly cared for. I was not there during the regularly scheduled meeting time so I just took a look around. One highlight is the archives of discussions since they allow a person to recreate (at a fast rate) the feel of how the meetings go. I was a little disapponted to see the chat transcript of an "openhouse" meeting on Blogstream salon was so choked early on with hellos and waves and other introductory niceties. An edited transcript to show a alittle more meat of the forum swifter would be nice. I also read a very interesting discussion starter that questioned the value of podcasts versus the chat/text formats. It contained some intriguing ideas, but again disappointingly, it had gone unanswered since May of 2006. I suppose there is a critical mass before whch htere isn't enough foot traffi to make a site or discussion go, but then i also felt that hte "open house" might have had the opposite problem... too many folks making an entrance and exit. I wonder how often blogs go unanswered when authors bite off more than they can chew, and they can't make it back to the site enough (even with aggregators!) to tend their creations. It is a commitment!

I have felt that as a full time teacher it would be a challening enough task to use a blog, wikispace, discussion forum OR other forum... without it being your job, it seems intimidating to consider monitoring. One thing that I hold some more hope for is in the integration of some of these web 2 methods into programs that are more mainstream. For instance, since this class began I have activated the discussion forum on my "" anti-plagarism website. By pulling these together I feel I have a better chance of making the leap into new methods for the long run.

Overall tappedin seems to be an exciting forum with a great future!


Victoria Wreden Sadeq said...

I agree that the is an interesting forum but also surreal? I was in my professors office and he was there but I didn't even know it. Why because I don't know enough about going in and out of these discussions, chats,meetings to participate in any meaningful way.

I have hope that some how we could visualize these technologies and the possiblities. I agree with you that in todays educational setting its so schedule driven that i just don't see having the time to explore these sites on the level that would be neccessary to really be useful and meaningful for an educator.

Stefanie said...

You summed it up in one word in your post "Commitment". I agree, monitoring all of the forums, blogs, etc. is like a full time job. At some point it becomes info overload but yet it is good to know that the info and interaction is out there for us to browse and use!
I'm glad you mentioned the blog salon since I didn't venture out that way. I think I will explore some more on TappedIn when I get some extra time.