Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tapped in to Blogstreams

Here are some of my reflections on the Blogstreams Salon that I visited on I was pleased to see the forum and program so developed and clearly cared for. I was not there during the regularly scheduled meeting time so I just took a look around. One highlight is the archives of discussions since they allow a person to recreate (at a fast rate) the feel of how the meetings go. I was a little disapponted to see the chat transcript of an "openhouse" meeting on Blogstream salon was so choked early on with hellos and waves and other introductory niceties. An edited transcript to show a alittle more meat of the forum swifter would be nice. I also read a very interesting discussion starter that questioned the value of podcasts versus the chat/text formats. It contained some intriguing ideas, but again disappointingly, it had gone unanswered since May of 2006. I suppose there is a critical mass before whch htere isn't enough foot traffi to make a site or discussion go, but then i also felt that hte "open house" might have had the opposite problem... too many folks making an entrance and exit. I wonder how often blogs go unanswered when authors bite off more than they can chew, and they can't make it back to the site enough (even with aggregators!) to tend their creations. It is a commitment!

I have felt that as a full time teacher it would be a challening enough task to use a blog, wikispace, discussion forum OR other forum... without it being your job, it seems intimidating to consider monitoring. One thing that I hold some more hope for is in the integration of some of these web 2 methods into programs that are more mainstream. For instance, since this class began I have activated the discussion forum on my "" anti-plagarism website. By pulling these together I feel I have a better chance of making the leap into new methods for the long run.

Overall tappedin seems to be an exciting forum with a great future!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Review of Topics Online Magazine
This is “An Online Magazine for Learners of English” This appears to be targeted for middle school and high school aged learners, but adults could also participate in it. It is a collection of articles contributed by readers from around the world. The articles and issues of the magazine seem to be thematically driven and in areas that would appear interesting to young adult readers. For instance, there is a series of 5 reader contributions gathered under “Difficult Experiences.” One submission from a boy from Korea dealt with a narrative recalling a time he fell through thin ice while ice skating! There were also themes of “Traditional Dances, “Travel,” “Traditional Games,” and “Globalization.” The pieces seem polished, but are definitely written in the simpler syntax of ELL style. This would make it very accessible for most ELL classrooms and also quite interesting as they read authentic responses. Of course this could be used as inspiration for a unit/topic within a classroom; publication could also be held up as a goal to top students and that would give a real goal to peer reviewing, etc.; finally, it could serve as a model or inspiration for a classroom’s private online magazine. It also has a teacher’s corner where project ideas related to writing appear. There is no practice, assessment, or feedback function for the masses. This appears to be a pure content site. The site is easy to use, colorful, and neat, but it obviously is not going to stay authentic if the only goal is to get published. Perhaps they could make it easier to see how to contribute… I actually never found that information!

What makes a task authentic?

Review of Guariento & Morley (2001)

The quest of an authentic text is a familiar search for teachers of ELL students. Guariento and Morley summarize the ideas that an authentic text is an essential element of classes, and that the difficulty of finding such authentic texts is inherent within the teacher’s task. Texts that reflect, simulate or actually perform a task in the wider world are considered authentic. The difficulty of the texts must be considered, and careful modification of the difficulty level is possible without losing the essential authenticity. There is a danger that in oversimplification there is a loss that connection.

In a similar vein, authentic tasks are tasks that reflect, simulate or actually perform a task that serves a valid purpose within the wider world. There were four ways to consider tasks and whether they have what it takes to be authentic: 1) A genuine purpose, 2) a real world task, 3) the genuine task that is the learning process/classroom, 4) and then the consideration of individual students’ comprehension of the rationale behind each task (providing authentic motivation). While Guariento and Morley could not assure that all four of the considerations were relevant to each case where a teacher has to select tasks, knowing these considerations gives the teacher an opportunity to find an appropriate strategy (given each group of learners and subsequent revision of pedagogical strategy).

I am most interested the idea that students will find the classroom experience itself valid and authentic, as I am teaching older students. These students will be in a content sheltered class, so they will have achieved a level of functionality in the society that makes buying a train ticket seem quite pedestrian, I imagine. The authenticity struggles I anticipate encountering the most are ones where the kids are asked to reflect on the process of learning itself and upon the rationale for the learning. Then, a simplified (or scaffolded) reading of an American Literature text might lead to a role play, story, letter writing assignment, or other activity that would not be considered valid without the ability to draw on an older student’s world experiences to realize the authenticity of thinking and analyzing regardless of the actual activity.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Review of CILL Resume and Vocabulary Pages

CILL’s Home Page
Secondary and adult ELL’s are its target audience. This is an English site.
This site is intended to provide practice to advanced ELL’ers… practical practice. This is found on the website published by CILL (Center for Independent Language Learning) and it appears to be a very detailed set of activities and guidance for ELL’s and their teachers. The site has, for instance, an interactive program that helps a user to create a letter of application for a job position. I assume there are some other generators out there, but I have not seen them, and this one seemed to provide good guidance and advice for each step of the information gathering “interview.” Obviously, this would be a very meaningful exercise to a good proportion of the students. In addition, there is a link off of this page for teachers, where both the optimist’s view of this generator as a teaching tool and the pessimist’s fears of the generator only being used as a surface activity (and a somewhat deceptive one for a prospective employer at that) are discussed in fair fashion. I was impressed. In addition it gives instant feedback vocabulary practice for a huge variety of vocabulary units. There are hint buttons involved with each word, too. This website would give the motivated speaker a great outlet for energy and enthusiasm. The only suggestion I would offer for the pages I saw is that there is a cluttered and truncated feel to some of the “netherpages” or as you get deeper into the help functions they are a little harder to comprehend. So, for example, I clicked the word “judged” to get examples. It gave 35 of them, but often without the full sentence, just a portion, so it was harder to comprehend.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Class control on the web... how much autonomy to students?

A reaction to Anderson and the ideal mix of online stakeholder participation

There is a good summary of definitions that lead to the overall idea that distance education is intertwined with media that encourages student-teacher-content interaction for a variety of benefit in the acquisition and use of the learning.

It is not surprising that there is no universally superior method for reaching all students in distance education, but it does seem to mimic the classroom quite closely. A varity of strategies are needed to provide students with the stimulation and subsequent motivation that will best lead to learning in their case. I can relate to Anderson’s report that some students actually choose classes based on either extensive or limited amounts of interaction with the teacher and fellow students. I would say that theat also mimics the in class behaviors of students… and myself. I definitely look at graduate classes as less engaging of my whole person than the other “real life” around me. I have always cringed a little when asked to interact too much with people that I know I will no longer see at the end of a class in a traditional classroom setting. There are always issues of unreliability when it comes to group work and projects, too, but I suppose that is equally true in traditional and online classrooms.

I suppose, too, that in the pursuit of variety in distance learning methods there is the danger of students feeling overwhelmed with technological prerequisites. In an ELL classroom the support of a face-to-face meeting with the teacher is instrumental for supporting the new technologies, but that comfort is undoubtedly stretched by the distance classroom (as Dan is no doubt an expert in dealing with). The idea that student-student interaction is possibly deemphasized with no loss of overall learning may be less applicable to teenage learners for whom interpersonal communication/relationships are of the utmost importance, and online relationships are increasingly seen as very real and satisfying.

I guess I am a little unclear on what content to content interaction really means. Is content really meaning the media of communication? The skills and knowledge to be gained by a student? The products of a student’s work? All of these? If so, how does it interact? I just stopped off and saw Dan’s Terminator reference in our 530 class discussion thread.. Ha!

With Anderson’s closing paragraph he raises the prospect of educator nervousness about “loss of control” with a student centered model of instruction rings true to me. I just tested Wikispaces to see how much control kids would have to post garbage on an online discussion. How vigilant must I be? I guess I am part of that group!

Having just come now from Peyton’s “Interaction Via Computers” I am further questioning the role of such an activity as a class WIKI if the participants aren’t going to be using it long enough to create a sense of decorum fitting to a class. there is definitely a chance for the class that is not dependent on computers for distance education to see it as only an amusing diversion and the at the “real” work is in the classroom. Hmm. I wonder how difficult this would be to police. I do like the idea overall because I have long suspected that group interaction is stunted because of the social and emotional risks that must be overcome in a classroom discussion.

I look forward to experimenting!